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Easily generate XML Credit Transfers based on ISO 20022 Payments Initiation pain.001.001.03.

Provides IBAN and BIC validation with annotations.

Written in Java 8 using JAXB and iban4j.




IBAN and BIC validation

class MyRecord {
    private String iban;

    private String bic;

Only accepts valid IBAN, BIC8 and BIC11.

Bulk SEPA transfers

Simply provide bank account details and transactions:

class MyApp {

    public static void main(String...args) {

        // Optional debtor identification
        Party debtor = Bank.simpleParty()
                .name("Debtor Name") // Optional name

        // Debtor account
        BankAccount debtorAccount = Bank.simpleBankAccount()
                .iban("FR7610011000201234567890188") // IBAN
                .bic("PSSTFRPP")                     // Optional BIC

        // Optional creditor identification
        Party creditor = Bank.simpleParty()
                .name("Creditor Name")                    // Optional name
                .postalAddress(Bank.simplePostalAddress() // Optional postal address
                        .addressLine("1, rue de La Vrillière")
                        .addressLine("75001 PARIS")

        // Creditor account
        BankAccount creditorAccount = Bank.simpleBankAccount()
                .iban("FR7630001007941234567890185") // IBAN
                .bic("BDFEFRPP")                     // Optional BIC

        // Transactions
        Transaction transaction1 = Bank.simpleTransaction()
                .party(creditor)                    // Optional creditor identification
                .account(creditorAccount)           // Creditor account
                .amount("12.34")                    // Amount, converted to BigDecimal
                .currency("EUR")                    // Currency code
                .endToEndId("Transfer reference 1") // End to end identifier
                .id("Optional identifier 1")        // Optional Transaction identifier
        Transaction transaction2 = Bank.simpleTransaction()
                .party(creditor)                    // Optional creditor identification
                .account(creditorAccount)           // Creditor account
                .amount(new BigDecimal("56.78"))    // Amount as BigDecimal
                .currency("EUR")                    // Currency code
                .endToEndId("Transfer reference 2") // End to end identifier
                .id("Optional identifier 2")        // Optional transaction identifier

        // Transfer
        CreditTransferOperation creditTransfer = Bank.jaxbCreditTransferSepa()
                .debtor(debtor)                                      // Optional debtor
                .debtorAccount(debtorAccount)                        // Mandatory debtor account
                .transaction(transaction1)                           // At least 1 transaction
                .transaction(transaction2)                           // Optional additional transaction
                .creationDateTime(               // Optional message creation date and time, defaults to now
                .requestedExecutionDate( // Optional requested execution date, defaults to tomorrow
                .id("MYID")                                          // Optional identifier, defaults to creation date and time as yyyyMMddhhmmss

        // export to string
        String formattedOutput = creditTransfer.marshal(true); // true: enables formatting

        // or export to file
        creditTransfer.marshal(new FileWriter("myFile.xml")); // default: disables formatting

Output with formatting:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03">
                <Nm>Debtor Name</Nm>
                <Nm>Debtor Name</Nm>
                    <InstrId>Optional identifier 1</InstrId>
                    <EndToEndId>Transfer reference 1</EndToEndId>
                    <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">12.34</InstdAmt>
                    <Nm>Creditor Name</Nm>
                        <AdrLine>1, rue de La Vrillière</AdrLine>
                        <AdrLine>75001 PARIS</AdrLine>
                    <InstrId>Optional identifier 2</InstrId>
                    <EndToEndId>Transfer reference 2</EndToEndId>
                    <InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">56.78</InstdAmt>
                    <Nm>Creditor Name</Nm>
                        <AdrLine>1, rue de La Vrillière</AdrLine>
                        <AdrLine>75001 PARIS</AdrLine>


You can use your own implementations of Transaction, BankAccount, Party and PostalAddress but simple defaults are provided.